
doesn't work

... | 26/11/2012

the tool doesn't work! would love it!


Re: doesn't work

Solution | 29/11/2012

I had the same problem. Sometimes it works if you just redownload the file again. One other way is to let the movie run during downloading it with A702. Then it should work.


E.B. | 13/11/2012

I was trying to download a movie file myself, digging into Wireshark protocol logs, HTTP dumps with HttpWatch and swf code decoded by ShowMyCode - until I thought I'd google a bit and voilà, found your great software. Works perfect. Thanks a lot!

Re: Thanks!

Nikita | 21/11/2012

Haha, yes, that's how I started too :-)


Markus | 18/10/2012

Thank you for this great software. I'm using the version 1.2 and it's working perfect.


aron | 15/10/2012

It seems your program can't handle folders whose names contain "umlauts" that is ä, ü or ö. Just thought that might be valuable information to someone out there.

Re: umlaute

jojo | 14/02/2013

lots of software has issues with umlauts. using umlauts in folder- and file-names is about the worst idea i ever heard of. codepage would differ between different localized versions of windows, leave alone between operating systems.
Only solution i know of: avoid umlauts in filenames!


- | 05/10/2012

Good to hear work is still going. Thanks for all the work!
Would be nice, if a702 would name files correctly, instead of using the first word of the videos name.


contravers | 01/10/2012

...still doesn't work!! :-(


Big Thanks for your work!

Alex | 30/09/2012

I've been using this program for some months now and appreciate it very much. Thanks for fixes in 1.2! Obviously arte has just too many excellent dokumentaries to watch them all when they're aired. So this tool is definitely a must-have for me!

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